Breakoutwatch Alert for AMBA

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Important Note: Alerts are now sent when the breakout price is met regardless of volume. We no longer use projected daily volume as a criteria for sending an alert. Click the Google Finance Chart Link for the latest price and delayed volume.
Intraday Chart: Intraday Chart for AMBA
Alert Time: 16:29:54 EST
Company Name: Ambarella Inc
Stock is Optionable: No
Watchlist (click for chart pattern): CwH
Relative Strength Rank:94
Days in handle:4
Right Cup Quality (RCQ): 1.38
Handle Quality (HQ): 1.03
Chart Quality (CQ):2.41
CANTATA Score (click for detail):14.73
Alert Price:$16.790
Breakout Price: $15.89
The 5% maximum price:$16.68
Pivot Height as % of left cup 101.47
Average Daily Volume:617,965
Minimum Break Out Volume:926,948
Technical Strength (CET): 6.35 (max. score 7)
Fundamental Strength (CEF): 8.38 (max. score 11)
Meets Target Criteria (CwH list only): Yes
Zone:4 - 4
Industry:Aerospace/Defense Products & Services
Industry Rank:66
Expected Gain (CwH list only):69%
Current Volume (15-20 min. delayed):3,108,001
Volume Today: 3,108,001
We are in no way recommending you buy this or any other stock. We are merely providing a service that alerts subscribers when a stock has reached the pivot price on projected 150% of average daily volume.

If you buy this or any other stock, it is highly recommended that a stop-loss order be entered upon execution of any purchase.

This service is a computer generated screening service to help users identify chart patterns and the alert service notifies users of breakouts from those chart patterns. It in no way suggests, recommends, advises or predicts that those stocks are worthy investments or will be profitable.

This service does not provide any guidance in timing sell points. CANTATA stocks are often very volatile and risky. Therefore it is essential that any investor who follows this system has a thorough understanding of the
sell criteria defined by the CANTATA method/system.