This tool will show possible returns when using our market signals to take positions in various ETF's. The tool assumes you take a position at the open on the day following a signal.
You can choose to be long only or short and long. 'Long' means taking a position when the signal was 'enter'. Short means taking a position when the signal was 'exit.
Simple Return is the return on a single position.
Compound Return is the cumulative return when proceeds from the previous position are reinvested.

Important Note: Only trades opened and closed in any period are included in the report

Market Signal:
Start Date: mm/dd/yy (must be >= 01/01/00 as that is the earliest we have ETF data)
End Date: mm/dd/yy
Position Type:
(Values may not be available for all ETF's and all dates)

Results Summary for 01/01/07 - 04/19/24
ETF Open: Close: Gain: Simple Gain %:    
Strategy Open: Close: Gain: 0 Simple Gain %: Compound Gain %: -100