CANTATA EvaluatorSM for FXCM


New CE: Go  
Company Information
Symbol: FXCM
Company: FXCM Inc.
Company Description:
Stock is Optionable: No
SEC Filings Edgar Online
General Due Diligence and Earnings Date Info: Due Diligence
Exchange: NASDAQ
CANTATA Evaluation for 07/27/2024
CE Zone
Time- liness CET CEF CE* Industry Industry
- 0/2 / 7 0 / 11 0 /18 / 215 / 100
*Excluding Timeliness points
Item Data Points Maximum
Currently listed on CwH, DB, HTF or SQZ watchlists
0 1
Broke out in last 5 days and within 5% of BoP
0 1
Total Timeliness Points
0 2
CANTATA Evaluation Technical (CET)
Item Data Points Maximum
1 Price relative to 50 and 200 day moving averages; 50 day relative to 200 day moving average
Last Close: $
50 dma $
200 dma $
0.00 3
2 Relative Strength Rank
RS 0
0.00 3
3 Rank in Industry
Rank in Industry
# of stocks in Industry
0.00 1
4 Price relative to 52 week high
% off 52 week high NAN %
0.00 1
5 Up/Down Ratio
Up/Down Ratio:
0.00 1
  Miscellaneous Technical Data (no points assigned)
PE (vs. S&P 500) (0 x)
5yr PE low - high -
n/a n/a
  Total Technical Points (CET) 0.00 9
CANTATA Evaluation Fundamentals (CEF)
We do not have any fundamental data in our database for FXCM
  Total Fundamental Points (CEF) 0.00 11
  Total CANTATA Evaluation Points 0.00 20