Industry Analysis Help

The purpose of Industry Analysis is to identify leading industries and leading stocks within those industries as breakouts from leading industries can be more reliable. It is also very useful to know which industries are improving relative to other industries and which industries are falling out of favor. Breakouts from rapidly improving industries can be stronger. To provide these insights our Industry Analysis page allows the analysis of industry performance over the last 12 months by four (4) different metrics:

For each of the four metrics we rank the industries from 1 to 215, 1 being the highest, and show how that rank has changed over 1 day, 1 week, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year time periods. This shows clearly which industries are moving up, or moving down, over time relative to other industries.

Using the Display

The display opens with industries ranked by technical strength. You can access the other rankings by clicking the appropriate tab at the top of the table.

The selected tab will be highlighted so you know which ranking metric is in use.

Clicking a column heading will sort the table either up or down. The white or black triangle in the column heading shows what the sort direction is. So to find the industry with the best improvement over the last week, click the 1 week rank change column heading until the white triangle points upwards.

Industry Components

The Industry name (first column) includes the number of stocks in the industry in parentheses.

To view the industry components, click the industry name. A new window will open showing the members of the industry order by RS Rank.

Industry 12 Month Performance

Click the chart icon ()against each industry name to see how industry rank has changed over the last year.

Update Frequency

The technical and price data in the industry analysis is updated daily. Fundamental data is updated weekly during the the daily update following the first trading session of the week, usually Monday. Consequently, the Technical, Combined and Price analysis screens change daily, while the Fundamental screen changes weekly.

Restrictions apply to Silver subscribers - see below.

Availability by Subscriber Level

Trial, Gold and Platinum subscribers have access to the most recently available technical and price data. Silver subscribers have access to the technical and price data as it was at the last weekly update. Guest subscribers can see the data as it was 1 month ago.

Only Trial and Platinum subscribers can download the data.

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