50 DMA Breakdown Watchlist Help

The 50 DMA Breakdown watchlist is a list of stocks that have tested support at the 50 day moving average level several times and may be good short position candidates if they break through support at that level again. The watchlist is compiled by selecting stocks that meet criteria based on the guidelines offered in How to Make Money Selling Stocks Short by William O'Neil with Gil Morales, with additional requirements and constraints of our own. (see the methodology tab).

The list can be sorted on any column heading by clicking the heading. Additional information for any stock on the list can be obtained by clicking the symbol, company name, industry or industry rank as defined below.

Column Description Link Action
Symbol Exchange Ticker Symbol
Click the symbol to get an annotated chart showing the chart characteristics.
Company Name Company Name Click the name to get an evaluation of the stocks timeliness, technical and fundamental condition.
Company Industry Industry group to which the company belongs. Our industry classification contains 215 industries and can be browsed or searched from the Analysis > Industry Analysis > Industry Groups. Click to see a list of all stocks in the industry ordered by technical rank.
Industry Rank The technical rank of the industry within the 215 industries. Click to see a chart of the industry's rank over the last 12 months.
RS Rank The Relative Strength Rank on a scale of 1-99. RS Rank compares the performance of the stock over the last 12 months against all stocks. N/A
Technical Strength The technical condition of the stock on a scale of 2-5. The scale is derived from our CE Zone Methodology. N/A
Fundamental Strength The fundamental condition of the stock on a scale of 1-5. The scale is derived from our CE Zone Methodology. N/A
Breakdown Price The 50 day moving average price. N/A
Breakdown Volume The minimum trading volume on the day the breakdown price is achieved before the stock can be considered to be a confirmed breakdown. N/A

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